Laboratory presentation
The first issue of the “Dialogue of civilizations, cultural diversity and philosophy of peace” is an attempt to reconsider the problem of dialogue while reviewing the conditions oh this dialogue within this tremendous momentum of cultural diversity to establish a new philosophy of peace.

In the “Dialogue of Civilisations, Cultural Diversity and Peace Philosophy” we will try to rethink the concept of the dialogue of civilizations, the related terms, the extent to which this problem is represented in the past, present and future, and the role of educational and research institutions in the dialogue of civilizations. We also try to analyse philosophical, cultural, social and scientific theories that have addressed the problem of dialogue among civilisations.
So, the laboratory re-examines the idea of the inveritability of clash of civilizations and word on analysis It thus provides a useful context for cooperation on conflict.

The laboratory will also explore the ancient roots of cultures and civilizations in order to understand and analyze them.
Third, and the most important of this and that, the laboratory can help distinguish the role of culture and civilization in contemporary conflicts, and the search for ways of peace.